近来,我们联合使用头孢三嗪(Ceftriaxone)与阿奇霉素(Azithromycin)治疗梅毒71例,取得了较为满意的临床治疗效果,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:本组71例梅毒病人均经血清学(RPR、TPHA)检测而确诊。其中男46例,女25例;已婚62例,未婚9例;年龄19~56岁,平均(27±10.2)岁,小于40岁者52例;早期潜伏梅毒7例,一期梅毒35例,二期梅毒29例;病程0.5
Recently, we combined Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin 71 cases of syphilis, and achieved a more satisfactory clinical treatment, are as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information: 71 cases of syphilis in this group were confirmed by serological (RPR, TPHA) test. Including 46 males and 25 females; 62 married and 9 unmarried; aged from 19 to 56 years, with an average of (27 ± 10.2) years and 52 years younger than 40 years; early latent syphilis in 7 cases, primary syphilis in 35 cases , 29 cases of secondary syphilis; duration of 0.5