“电脑农业”经验交流系列篇之一 推广电脑农业 发展民族经济

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电脑农业,是农业专家系统的俗称。是把众多农业专家的知识输入计算机,利用人工智能知识处理和知识推理技术,建立一个计算机程序系统,用电脑模仿人脑进行推理决策,对各种单项的农业先进技术成果进行综合组装,给出一个易于操作的、科学明了的答案,指导农民科学种田、养殖以及产后加工和销售等。2002年1月,湖北民族地区电脑农业推广工作正式启动。首先在恩施州的鹤峰和长阳、五蜂两个自治县进行试点,在试点取得成功的基础上,2003年3月,电脑农业推广试点工作在民族地区10县(市)和散居10个民族乡(镇)全面推广,成效显著。2003年10月,国家民委在湖北恩施州召开“全国民族地区电脑农业推广工作现场会”,推广湖北电脑农业推广工作经验。到目前,已有云南、河南、吉林、黑龙江、贵州、湖南、河北、江西等10多个省(自治区、自辖市)的50多个县(市)先后组团到湖北考察电脑农业推广工作。2006年2月,“湖北民族地区电脑农业应用推广”项目被省政府授予2005年度“湖北省人民政府科技成果推广奖”三等奖。几年来.湖北民族地区电脑农业的推广,发展了农业,富裕了农民,达到了农业增效、农民增收的目的,取得了显著成效。截止2005年底,电脑农业的应用推广,在民族地区共建立并开通了39家电脑农业网站,在农民和市场之间架起了一座信息桥梁。为此,本刊从这期起与省民宗委财经处联合推出“电脑农业”经验交流栏目,旨在宣传典型,交流、探索成功经验,促进电脑农业在民族地区又快又好的发展。 Computer farming is the common name for agricultural expert systems. Is to input the knowledge of many agricultural experts into the computer. Using artificial intelligence knowledge processing and knowledge reasoning technology, a computer program system is established. The computer imitates the human brain to make reasoning and decision-making. The individual advanced agricultural technology achievements are integrated and given An easy to operate, scientific and clear answer to guide farmers scientific farming, farming and post-natal processing and marketing. In January 2002, the computerization of agriculture in Hubei’s ethnic areas was officially launched. On the basis of the success of the pilot project, two pilot counties, Hefeng and Changyang, and WuBei Autonomous County of Enshi Prefecture were first conducted. In March 2003, pilot projects of computer agricultural extension were carried out in 10 counties (cities) and 10 ethnic townships (Town) comprehensive promotion, remarkable results. In October 2003, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission held “On-site Meeting of Computer Agricultural Extension Work in Ethnic Minority Areas” in Enshi, Hubei Province to promote Hubei computer agricultural extension work experience. Up to now, more than 50 counties (cities) in over 10 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in Yunnan, Henan, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Hunan, Hebei and Jiangxi have successively organized delegations to visit Hubei for computer agricultural promotion. In February 2006, “Hubei Provincial Agricultural Computer Application Promotion” project was awarded the third prize of 2005 “Hubei Province People’s Government Science and Technology Outreach Award” by the provincial government. Years ago The popularization of computer agriculture in Hubei ethnic areas has developed agriculture and affluent peasants, and has achieved the objective of enhancing agricultural efficiency and increasing peasants’ incomes and achieved remarkable results. By the end of 2005, the application and popularization of computer agriculture had set up and opened 39 computer agricultural websites in ethnic areas and set up an information bridge between farmers and the market. To this end, this issue from this period and the Provincial Department of Finance jointly launched the “computer agriculture” experience exchange section, to promote typical, exchange, to explore successful experiences and promote the computer agriculture in the minority areas of fast and good development.
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