古斯塔夫·多雷(Gustave Doré)的创世纪是从“地狱”开始的。1860年底,年仅28岁,但已成名多年的多雷,不再满足于一般书刊插图作品的创作,他想破天荒出版一种特大的文学作品插图对开本。他找到巴黎影响最大的出版商路易斯·哈彻特,提出了自己的计划。这本由他绘制的《神曲·地狱篇》插图书,共有75幅精细的木刻画,相应配上部分诗句,出版后每本书的高度约为38厘米,售价为100法郎左右(当时普通
Gustave Doré’s Genesis begins with “Hell”. At the end of 1860, at the age of 28, Du Lei, who had become famous for many years, was no longer satisfied with the creation of general illustrations of books and magazines. He wanted to publish an extensive illustration of extra-large literary works. He found Louis Hatcher, Paris’s most influential publisher, and put forward his own plan. The Illustrated Book of Divine Comedy and Hell drawn by him contains a total of 75 elaborate wood engravings with corresponding verses. Each book is published at a height of about 38 centimeters and is priced at about 100 francs