第一阶段:HIFI时代相识是种缘分! 不知不觉中,认识林律师,数来已有15个年头,他是我最早认识的音响发烧友之一,也是我迈出音响发烧第一步的启蒙老师。自焊放大器上世纪的80年代末,在广州起义路上出现了一家小小的音响店一兴昌电器,这是我们HI-FI梦开始的地方,店主人马建勋先生是位热情健谈之人,从那里我学到了不少音响知识。除了增长见识之外,我结识了两位比马先生发烧得更早的朋友--林律师和卓文。两位仁兄他们既是工作上的同事,又同是无线电爱好者。更巧的是我们都在同一个
The first stage: HIFI acquaintance is fate! Unconsciously, I know Lin lawyers, the number has been 15 years, he is one of my earliest audiophiles, but also my first step towards audio fever enlightenment teacher. Since the late 80s of the last century, a small audio shop-Xingchang Electric appeared in the Guangzhou Uprising on the way to self-welding amplifier. This is where our HI-FI dream started. The owner, Mr. Ma Jianxun, is a passionate talker. From there I learned a lot of audio knowledge. In addition to increasing my knowledge, I got to know two friends who had a fever earlier than Mr. Ma - Lin Lawyer and Zhuo Wen. They are both working colleagues and radio lovers. Coincidentally, we are all in one