泽泻是我省闽北浦城、建阳、建甌等县的特产,它是利尿剂中常用的药品。本品属泽泻科(Alismataceas)植物泽泻Alisma Plantago-acuatica L.Var.Paruiflorum Torr的干燥根茎。为多年生草本,高五十至一百厘米。地下有根茎,球形,密生多数须根。叶丛生于根茎上,具长叶柄,叶片椭圆形,卵状椭圆形至卵形,尖端急尖或短尖,基部心脏形或楔形,全缘;叶片表面暗绿色,背面淡绿色,两面均光滑无毛。夏末抽花茎,由叶丛中生出,繖状排列。果实为瘦果,长一毫米,宽零点五毫米,呈新月形。内有种子一粒,呈褐红色(图一)。
Alisma is a special product of Pucheng, Jianyang, Jianye, and other counties in northern Fujian Province. It is commonly used in diuretics. This product is a dried rhizome of Alismaceas plant Alisma plantago-acuatica L.Var. Paruiflorum Torr. Herbs are perennial, high fifty to one hundred centimeters. Underground rhizomes, globose, densely fibrous roots. Leaves clustered on rhizomes, long petiolate, leaf blade elliptic, ovate-ovate to ovate, apex acute or shortly pointed, base cordate or cuneate, entire; blade surface dark green, abaxially pale green, both surfaces smooth Hairless. At the end of summer, stems are drawn from the leaves and arranged in an umbrella shape. The fruit is achene, one millimeter long, five millimeters wide and crescent-shaped. There is a seed inside, brownish red (Figure 1).