He often said: “Gaoyi County, 253,000 acres of land, is the county agricultural headquarters desk.” Cadres and masses evaluation said: “365 days a year, there are 300 days the storm was spent in the field. ”His family members often complain: “ The little things at home, he did not mind, not knowing where to put it. ”Cadres and the masses often praise: , How many roads in Gaoyi County’s fields, how many greenhouses in which village, how many plots, and his heart clearly. "He was a county-level cadre (former director of the county people’s congress and head of the agricultural command, Retired from the seat of director of the National People’s Congress, still director of the Agricultural Command), there is no time to visit relatives and friends, often dignified at night to the village cadres or the general public to discuss how to get rich topic.