英国卫报4月发表评论人Jonathan Jones对特纳奖的评论,作者在文中谈到特纳奖近年来屡有麻烦的原因。实际上,也许这麻烦已经伴随特纳奖有10年了。作者说,并不是说这个奖没有奖励“具有象征意义的艺术家”(这样的说法不知道现在还有什么特殊意义?现在不是每一个艺术家都在强调自己是一个“具有象征意义的艺术家”吗?),也不是说这个奖没有推出视频、摄影等倡导前卫的作品。事实上,倡导前卫,正是特纳一直以来试图捍卫的立场。
In a review of the Turner Prize, Jonathan Jones, the British Guardian, said in April that the Turner Prize was troubling in recent years. In fact, maybe this trouble has been with the Turner Prize for 10 years. The author said that this is not to say that this award is not rewarded “symbolic artist ” (this statement do not know what is the special meaning now? Not every artist is now emphasizing that he is a “symbolic artist ”?)? Not to say that this award did not launch video, photography and other advocacy avant-garde works. In fact, advocating avant-garde is exactly what Turner has been trying to defend.