朱屺瞻ZHU QIZHAN(1892-1996)江苏太仓人,八岁临摹古画,两次东渡日本学习油画,后主攻中国画,擅山水,花卉,尤精兰、竹、石。作品具有鲜明的民族特色和个人风格,出版有《朱屺瞻画集》《癖斯居画谈》《朱屺瞻启功先生曾做过一首诗《朱屺瞻先生画葫芦》,其中这样写道:“造化随人笔仗,到处天机奔放。谁云依样葫芦,未有葫芦一样。”这位历经了清代、民国与新中国的画家,早先受到传统的私塾教育,进西式学堂,之后又东渡日本,习国画,又研西画,融汇中西。
ZHU QIZHAN ZHU QIZHAN (1892-1996) Taicang, Jiangsu Province, aged at the age of eight, copied the ancient paintings. Twice he studied oil painting in East Japan. After that, he studied Chinese paintings and enjoyed good use of landscapes, flowers, flowers, orchids, bamboo and stone. His works have distinctive ethnic and personal styles. He has published a series of poems entitled “Zhu Qizhan’s Paintings” Road: “Good fortune with people’s pen battles everywhere unrestrained .Who clouds by the same gourd, not the same gourd.” After the Qing Dynasty, Republic of China and the new Chinese painter, previously subject to the traditional private school education, into the Western-style schools, After that he went to Japan, learning Chinese painting, studying western painting and integrating Chinese and Western cultures.