查尔斯·巴克利,这位在NBA中纵横驰骋了十年的英雄,至今未能实现夙愿,想说再见,又难说再见。 先让我们一同回忆一下这位巨星走过的道路。1985年,巴克利加盟NBA,被老牌劲旅76人队挑中。但由于“博士”朱利叶斯·欧文已经老了,所以那时的76人队开始走下坡路了。但巴克利依然以他那非凡的球技和独特的风格成为人们心目中的英雄。1992年,他与乔丹、约翰逊等巨星组成空前绝后的“梦之队”,他们在巴塞罗那奥运会上的精彩表演,成为脍炙人口的美谈,直到今天,人们仍然对梦之队津津乐道。
Charles Buckley, the hero who has been racing in the NBA for 10 years, has so far failed to realize his aspirations, wants to say goodbye, and can hardly say goodbye. Let us recall the path taken by this superstar together. In 1985, Buckley joined the NBA, was 76 veteran team selection. However, since the “Dr.” Julius Owen is old, then the 76ers team began to decline. But Buckley still with his extraordinary skills and unique style to become the hero of the people. In 1992, he and Jordan, Johnson and other superstars formed an unprecedented “Dream Team”, their wonderful performance at the Barcelona Olympics, became a popular talk, until today, people still talk about the dream team relish.