In such a place as Australia,the mix of different nations makes it seen as a country with extensive lexical borrowing.There are lots of people who were interested in this area such as Rob Pensalfini,Isadore Dyen and so on.The conclusion of formal researches are based on“treating meaning as having cognate forms even if the shared cognate is only one of a number of synonyms in one or both languages.”(p.64).However,in comparing with the formal findings Black adjusts the data base by demarcating the line of cognate and non-cognate words and
In such a place as Australia, the mix of different nations makes it seen as a country with extensive lexical borrowing. Here are lots of people who were interested in this area such as Rob Pensalfini, Isadore Dyen and so on. The conclusion of formal researches are based on “treating meaning as having cognate forms even if the shared cognate is only one of a number of synonyms in one or both languages. ” (p.64) .However, comparing with the formal findings Black adjusts the data base by demarcating the line of cognate and non-cognate words and