From April 1970 to February 1974, the author made a total of 2321 gastric fiberoptic examinations at a Soviet clinical hospital, and identified 8 cases of early gastric cancer (0.3%). The so-called early gastric cancer means that the depth of cancer invasion is limited to the mucosa or submucosa. The classification of early gastric cancer belongs to type II or III according to the standard of the Japanese Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and most of them are II_(?)+III or III+II_(?). The diagnosis of early gastric cancer needs to be differentiated from gastric cancer and gastric ulcer. During this 5-year period, the author used gastroscopy to observe biopsy and surgical diagnosis of 121 cases of gastric cancer (5.2% of the total number of patients examined), of whom 6.6% belonged to early gastric cancer; ulcerated gastric cancer was 63 cases (52%). Of these, 12.7% of patients belonged to early gastric cancer.