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在钻探管材螺纹中,有不少是浅牙、梯形螺纹。多年来,对于这类螺纹,其牙宽尺寸的标注,究竟在牙顶宽上,还是在牙底宽上?对此各家颇有争议。反映在各国、各公司的标准和图纸上,也有不同的标法。另外,对牙顶宽(或牙底宽)公差,牙高公差,螺纹的大、小径公差,牙形角公差间的关系及其在检测 In drilling pipe thread, there are many shallow teeth, trapezoidal thread. Over the years, for this type of thread, the size of the tooth width dimension, whether in the top of the tooth width, or in the bottom width? This is quite controversial. Reflected in the standards of all countries and companies and drawings, there are different standards. In addition, the tooth top width (or bottom width) tolerance, tooth height tolerance, the thread of the large, small diameter tolerances, the relationship between tooth profile angle tolerance and its detection
苜蓿是重要的豆科牧草,我国苜蓿资源丰富,但可消化率较低,如何提高苜蓿的可消化率,改良其品质,提高其营养价值,是目前苜蓿育种工作者的主要任务之一,随着基因工程的发展,分子学手段在苜蓿育种中逐渐应用广泛,使得明确育种目标后育种进程加快。本试验以呼伦贝尔野生黄花苜蓿(Mcdicago falcata L.)为材料,对其建立了无菌苗培养优化体系、组织培养再生体系、农杆菌介导的遗传转化体系,旨在通过转基因手