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商业企业改革起步较早,成果也最明显。商企改制只是上海商业企业改革的一个侧面。但仅从这样一个侧面,就足使人产生一个感想,这就是:改制,既要防止刮风,也要防止出现畏难情绪。刮风,容易把好事办坏,更容易出现“花架子”、弄出“银样蜡枪头”,中看不中用。甚至还会出现新的误导和误区。但防止刮风,不是说在企业改制上可以无所作为,畏难不前。对于许多企业来讲,转换机制同样是当务之急,应当抓紧时机,知难而上,敢于突破,勇于创新,在改制上取得真正有效的突破,积极推进国有企业改革。 真正有效的突破,就需要从实际出发而不是从概念出发;就是尊重客观规律,尊重群众意愿,而不能靠行政办法搞强迫命令;就需要抓住改制操作的关节点而不是一二种固定的模式。上海商委广开思路,从几个方面推进商业企业改制,从而增强商业企业活力,这样一种务实作风,从某种意义上讲,比他们创造的具体经验,更宝贵也更值得学习。 Commercial enterprise reform started earlier, with the most obvious achievements. Reform of commercial enterprises is only one aspect of the reform of commercial enterprises in Shanghai. But only from such a side, it is enough to make people have a feeling, that is: restructuring, we must prevent windy, but also to prevent fear of emotions. Windy, easy to do good things to do bad, more prone to “flower stand”, come up with “silver-like wax gun head,” useless. Even new misleading and erroneous zones will emerge. However, preventing the wind from blowing does not mean that we can do nothing in corporate restructuring, and we can not afford to take any precarious action. For many enterprises, the transformation mechanism is also a pressing matter of the moment. We should seize the opportune moment, take precautions against difficulties, dare to break through, innovate bravely, make real and effective breakthroughs in restructuring, and actively promote the reform of state-owned enterprises. Truly effective breakthrough, we need to proceed from the reality rather than from the concept; is to respect the objective laws, respect the wishes of the masses, and can not rely on administrative measures to engage in coercion; you need to seize the reform of the operation of the node rather than one or two fixed mode. Shanghai Mercantile Exchange Commission broaden its mind and promote the restructuring of commercial enterprises in several aspects so as to enhance the viability of commercial enterprises. Such a pragmatic approach is in a sense more valuable and worthy of learning than the concrete experience they have created.
外经贸部透露,上半年我国技术出口保持增长势头,与去年同期相比,合同金额增长43.5%,单项合同平均金额从238.6万美元增长到619.5万美元。 据统计,上半年我国共签定技术进出口
浙江省技术进出口有限责任公司经过10年的摸索,走出了一条自我发展的路子。在浙江省省级外贸企业中进口额排名榜首,在全国进出口额最大的500家企业中位居第61位。 浙江省技