Wave crushing and its turbulent mixing research have always been a challenging issue for physical oceanography. The main achievements of this dissertation are summarized as follows: 1) Wave crushing and turbulent mixing Can not be described by the classical Wall-layer similarity theory of sea-air boundary layer.Wavebreaking can form a turbulent mixing enhancement layer within a depth of several meters near the sea surface, and the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate εdis is the Wall-layer similarity 10-1000 times the theoretical predictions.2) Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate of wave-breaking turbulence is in the region of peak εdisαz-2.3 and in the region below the trough εdisαexp (-αz) or εdisαz-2.3) turbulent mixing length is However, to date, the quantitative study on the mixing length l of wave breaking turbulence has been quite different, from 0.1Hs to Hs (Hs is the effective wave height) How to determine the quantitative representation of mixing length of wave breaking turbulent flow It is an important issue to be solved urgently in the future.