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莲花水电站按无人值班(少人值守)、梯调遥控的管理方式进行设计。为适应这种管理方式,该电站首次采用了先进的微机发变组保护装置。该保护采用主从式、多CPU、并行工作方式,软硬件采用模块化设计,可根据不同的保护配置任意组合,通过软硬件灵活组态易于实现冗余及复杂配置;该保护还具有完善的软、硬件自检功能,并克服了某些常规保护中存在的缺陷和不足,其可靠性较高;装置采用了友好的人机界面、全汉字菜单启动、十进制浮点数定值整定方式,可与计算机接口,深受运行人员的欢迎。该保护的配置及工程设计,对其他实现计算机监控、按无人值班(少人值守)设计的大中型水电站亦可参考和借鉴。 Lotus hydropower station by unattended (less people on duty), ladder remote control management design. In order to adapt to this management mode, the power station for the first time adopted the advanced microcomputer generator transformer protection device. The protection of the master-slave, multi-CPU, parallel mode of operation, modular design of hardware and software, according to the different configuration of any combination of protection, flexible configuration software and hardware easy to achieve redundancy and complex configuration; the protection also has a perfect Software and hardware self-checking function, and overcomes the shortcomings and deficiencies in some conventional protection, and has higher reliability; the device adopts a friendly man-machine interface, the whole Chinese menu is started, and the decimal floating-point setting is fixed Interface with the computer, welcomed by the operating staff. The configuration and engineering design of this protection can also be used for reference to other large and medium-sized hydropower stations that realize computer monitoring and control and are designed for unmanned duty.
白石水库坝体结构复杂 ,混凝土浇筑方案直接决定大坝的质量和机械综合效率 ,而要领图正是混凝土浇筑方案的直接体现 .编制施工要领图 ,主要依据碾压混凝土机械设备的生产能力
石榴干腐病,不仅为害生长期间的果实,而且为害贮藏期果实,还浸染花器、果苔、新梢。此病在陕西、四川、安徽、山东等石榴产区均有发生。 石榴干癌病最适生长温度为24℃~28℃,