许多人都知道,冠心病的发生和血脂中的胆固醇有密切关系,而血脂胆固醇又受饮食因素的影响。因此,人们便产生了对胆固醇的惧怕心理,而许多好食品又多含胆固醇,致使许多可以吃的高营养食物、美味菜肴被这些人排斥于餐桌之外。人们不禁要问,吃高胆固醇食物血胆固醇亦必然升高吗?要想明确这个问题,首先要了解胆固醇在人体中的代谢过程。 胆固醇是组成人体细胞不可缺少的营养物质。一个健康的成年人,体内胆固醇总量约50~80克。在动物和植物食
Many people know that the occurrence of coronary heart disease is closely related to the cholesterol in blood lipids, which is affected by dietary factors. As a result, people have a fear of cholesterol, and many good foods contain more cholesterol, resulting in many highly nutritious foods that can be savored by those who are outside the dining table. People can not help but ask, eat high cholesterol foods, blood cholesterol will inevitably increase it? To clear this problem, we must first understand the metabolism of cholesterol in the human body. Cholesterol is an indispensable nutrient for human cells. A healthy adult with about 50 to 80 grams of total cholesterol. Food in animals and plants