唐代军事制度及兵制研究是一个十分艰难的论题。由于传世史籍资料的欠缺和脱误 ,许多内容不为后人所知。罗振玉、岑仲勉、唐长孺、谷霁光、滨口重国等中日前辈学者筚路蓝缕 ,对唐代兵制研究曾做出杰出贡献 ,但限于文献资料的缺乏 ,有关这一历史时期兵制和军事制度的不少问题仍
The study of the military system and military system in the Tang Dynasty was a very difficult topic. Due to the lack of historical data handed down and mistakes, many of the content is not known to future generations. Some scholars of China and Japan, such as Luo Zhenyu, Cen Zhongmian, Tang Changtao, Gu Guoguang and Binkou Chongguo, made great contributions to the study of the military system in the Tang Dynasty. However, they were limited to the lack of literature and materials. Many issues concerning military and military systems in this historical period still