
来源 :麦类作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:antoneychang
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大麦在世界谷物生产中,虽居小麦、水稻和玉米之后,但其栽培的环境比哪一种都更为广泛.从分类学上说,目前一般认为,所有大麦都是一个种(Hordeum vugare L. emend. Bowden)这个种有多种多样的类型,但穗子基本上只有六棱和二棱两种.六棱型的每节中央和两侧小花都是可育的;二棱型的只有中央小花可育.大麦还有野生植物或杂草的形状, Barley is one of the more cultivated environments in the world cereal production after wheat, rice and corn, and it is generally considered taxonomically that all barley is one species (Hordeum vugare L There are many varieties of this species, but the ears are basically only six and two ribs, each of the six - sided central and bilateral florets are fertile; two sides of only the central type Floret fertile barley also the shape of wild plants or weeds,
荸荠(Eleocharis tuberosa Schulut)是莎草科(Cyperaceae)荸荠属(Eleocharis R.Br.)的多年生浅水草本植物。荸荠以地下球茎为食用部分,在我国长江以南各省都有栽培,是一种重要的地方特