45Upworthy是有史以来发展速度最快的网站之一。但它只制作极少量的原创材料。Upworthy选取人们上传到网上的视频,重新包装后重磅推出。这些视频涵盖同性恋婚姻、医疗改革、种族偏见、性别平等以及其他网站管理员感兴趣的主题。网站的创始人是曾领导过左翼政治团体MoveOn的伊莱·帕里泽(Eli Pariser)和讽刺性出版物《洋葱报(the Onion)》的前执行主编彼得·克希利(Peter Koechley)。他们创建这个网站是为了帮助具有进步改革倾向的内容在网络上以病毒式传播。虽然这意味着,他们需要向那些传播可爱猫咪视频的网站,学习制造轰动效应的手段。他们接受了《麻省理工科技创业》的副主编布赖恩·伯格斯坦(Brian Bergstein)的采访。
45Upworthy is one of the fastest growing sites ever. But it only produces a very small amount of original material. Upworthy picks the videos that people upload onto the web, repacking and launching heavy loads. These videos cover topics of interest to gay marriage, health reform, racial bias, gender equality and other webmasters. The site was founded by Eli Pariser, who had led MoveOn’s left-wing political group, and Peter Koechley, former executive editor of the satirical publication “The Onion.” They created this site to help content that has a pro-reform orientation to be viral on the web. While this means they need to learn about the sensational effects of creating websites that promote cute cat videos. They interviewed Brian Bergstein, associate editor at MIT.