目的 观察蒿甲醚对小鼠体内埃及血吸虫成虫超微结构的损害.方法 8只小鼠于感染埃及血吸虫尾蚴后81 d用单剂蒿甲醚400 mg/kg口服治疗.治后24 h、3 d、7 d和14 d各剖杀2只小鼠,用灌注法收集血吸虫,并按常规方法固定和处置虫体,作透射电镜观察.从另2只未治疗的感染小鼠体内取虫作对照.结果 蒿甲醚对血吸虫皮层超微结构的损害主要是皮层基质的肿胀、溶解和空泡变化,基底膜消失和部份受损皮层破裂;在感觉器和皮层结节中,常见其内部结构广泛溶解.在肌层、实质组织、合体细胞和肠管上皮细胞中,查见局灶性或广泛的溶解、粗面内质网减少及线粒体空泡变化和变性.雌虫卵黄细胞的严重变化是空泡变化、粗面内质网减少、卵黄球融合以及受损卵黄细胞破溃等.上述雌、雄虫变化于感染小鼠用蒿甲醚治疗后24 h即可见到,并逐渐加重,3~7 d后最重.治后14 d,部分雌、雄虫仍示有超微结构的损害,但同时亦观察到受损虫组织的恢复.结论 蒿甲醚对埃及血吸虫成虫的皮层和皮层下组织具有广泛和严重的超微结构损害.“,”Objective To perform a temporal examination of ultrastructural alterations in adult Schistosoma haematobium due to artemether Methods Eight mice infected with 100-120 S. haematobium cercariae for 81 days were treated intragastrically with 400 mg/kg artemether. At 24 hours, 3, 7 and 14 days post-treatment, groups of 2 mice were sacrificed and schistosomes collected by the perfusion technique. Worm samples were fixed and examined by transmission electron microscopy. Schistosomes were also obtained from 2 untreated mice that served as control.Results Typical ultrastructural alterations included swelling, lysis and vacuolization of the tegumental matrix, and disappearance of basal membrane. In sensory organelles and tubercles, there was extensive or local lysis of internal structure. In the musculature, parenchymal tissues, syncytium and gut epithelial cells, focal or extensive lysis, decrease in granular endoplasmic reticulum, vacuolization and degeneration of mitochondria were observed. These alterations became apparent both in male and female worms 24 hours post-treatment. In female worms, severe damage to the vitelline cells was also observed, resulting in the emergence of vacuoles, a decrease in granular endoplasmic reticulum,fusion of vitelline balls or even collapse of damaged vitelline cells. The most extensive tegumental alterations were observed 3-7 days post-treatment. Whilst 14 days post-treatment ultrastructural damage was still apparent, the tegument of some worms showed similar features to those recovered from untreated control mice. Conclusion Administration of artemether to mice infected with adult S. haematobium results in extensive damage to the ultrastructure in the tegument and subtegument tissues of the worms, confirming previous results with other schistosome species.