竞争意识、效率意识、风险意识、时间意识、变革意识、民主与法制意识和开拓创新意识被称为近代意识。近代意识在中国的形成经历了较曲折的历程。从鸦片战争初期林则徐、魏源等提出向西方学习 ,到洋务派、戊戌改革提出变革社会的要求 ,再到五四新文化运动提出民主与科学 ,大批仁人志士奔走宣传、著书立说 ,才使中国的近代意识得以形成
Competitive consciousness, efficiency awareness, risk awareness, time awareness, change awareness, democracy and legal system awareness and pioneering and innovative consciousness is called modern consciousness. The formation of modern consciousness in China experienced a more tortuous course. From the early Opium War Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan proposed to study in the West, to the Westernization Movement and the Reform Movement of 1898 proposed the requirement of transforming the society. Then, when the May Fourth New Culture Movement proposed democracy and science, a large number of people with lofty ideals traveled to propaganda and wrote books, The modern consciousness is formed