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8月27日上午,由中国茶叶流通协会主办、横县人民政府承办的“2017中国(横县)生态茶旅游产业发展交流会”在广西横县召开。来自辽、皖、赣、鲁、鄂、粤、桂、琼等茶叶产销区代表,以及茶叶企业、行业组织、专业院校代表、横县政府相关部门与企业代表出席了本次会议。中国茶叶流通协会常务副会长王庆、中共横县县委书记唐小若出席了本次会议。会上,中国茶叶流通协会常务副会长王庆向广西横县授予了“全国茶旅研学实践基地”牌匾。 On the morning of August 27, hosted by China Tea Circulation Association and undertaken by Hengxian People’s Government, “2017 China (Hengxian) Eco-Tea Tourism Industry Development Conference” was held in Hengxian, Guangxi. Representatives from the tea production and sales areas in Liaoning, Anhui, Jiangxi, Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and Joan, as well as representatives from tea enterprises, trade organizations and specialized institutions, relevant departments and enterprises of Heng County government attended the meeting. Wang Qing, Executive Vice Chairman of China Tea Circulation Association, Tang Xiaoruo, Party Secretary of CPC Hengxian attended the meeting. At the meeting, Wang Qing, executive vice president of China Tea Circulation Association, awarded “National Tea Travel Research Base ” plaque to Hengxian, Guangxi.