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电视民生新闻栏目的创新一直是传媒业界关注的焦点。随着新媒体的崛起,传统传播形态下的电视民生新闻面临着诸多挑战和机遇。《汪大姐来了》栏目作为一档舟山知名的电视民生栏目,这些年在应对新媒体挑战方面有过一些初步的尝试。从实践中可以看出,两者的融合势在必行。在新媒体时代,电视民生新闻只有敢于正视挑战,不断借鉴和利用新媒体的优势,才能够在激烈的媒体竞争中不断向前,开辟出一片新的天地。一、对电视民生新闻和新媒体的认识电视民生新闻是“以‘民生、民情、民意’为主要关注点,以百 TV Livelihood News column innovation has been the media industry’s focus. With the rise of new media, the television livelihood news under the traditional transmission form faces many challenges and opportunities. ”Sister Wang is coming“ as part of Zhoushan, a well-known television livelihood section, has made some preliminary attempts in response to new media challenges in recent years. As can be seen from practice, the integration of the two is imperative. In the new media era, only by daring to face the challenges and constantly learning from and using the advantages of new media can the livelihood news of television be able to continuously move forward and open up a new world in the fierce media competition. First, the television livelihood news and new media awareness TV livelihood news is ”to ’livelihood, public sentiment, public opinion’ as the main concern, one hundred
目的:  卵巢储备功能下降(diminished ovarian reserve,DOR)包括与年龄相关的生理性卵巢储备功能下降和与年龄无关的非生理性卵巢储备功能降低。引起非生理性DOR的原因较复杂,临
目的:  1.探讨通冠胶囊对急性心肌梗死大鼠心功能的影响。  2.探讨通冠胶囊对急性心梗患者PCI术后心功能及生活质量的影响。  方法:  基础研究:将健康清洁级SD大鼠40只(