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这期杂志出刊的时候,祖国母亲即将迎来她的又一个生日。巧的是,本期封面报道的主题——革命老区又和祖国的命运息息相关。为撰写封面报道查阅大量资料时,我们情不自禁地沉浸其中,仿佛又回到了峥嵘的革命岁月。抚今追昔,饮水思源,怎不让人思绪万千!若说新中国是从老区走出来的,一点也不为过,因为没有中国共产党领导下的革命老区就没有新中国的诞生。老区是中国革命的摇篮,曾为中国革命的胜利和新中国的建立,做出了重大贡献,付出了巨大牺牲。单就四川革命老区而言,先后就有30余万人参加红军,32万人参加游击队,英勇捐躯人数高达26.5万。放眼全国老区,参加、支持革命以及为革命捐躯者数不胜数,沂蒙红嫂乳汁救伤员的故事更是被广为传颂。 When this issue of the magazine was published, her mother was about to celebrate her another birthday. Coincidentally, the theme of this cover story - the old revolutionary base areas and the fate of the motherland are closely related. We can not help but immerse ourselves in writing a cover story, as if returning to the towering revolutionary years. If we say that new China is coming out from the old quarter, it is not overemphasis, because no new China will be born without the old revolutionary base areas under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. The old quarter was the cradle of the Chinese revolution. It had made a significant contribution to the victory of the Chinese revolution and the founding of New China and made great sacrifices. In the case of the old revolutionary base areas in Sichuan alone, more than 300,000 people attended the Red Army and 320,000 people joined the guerrillas. The number of heroic sacrifices was as high as 265,000. Looking back at the old districts in the country, participating in and supporting the revolution as well as the numerous donors who have sacrificed their lives for the revolution, the story of the Yimeng Red Sox’s milk rescue staff is widely publicized.
The distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptidergic(CGRP) nerve endings in rat rat nasal mucosa was investigated with immunocytochemical technique (ABC meth
这么个大而虚的题目从来都不是我的风格,这里只是借用某书某章的标题,与读者朋友分享一点心得和感悟。约翰·肯·加布雷斯(John Kenneth Galbraith)是20世纪美国乃至整个西方
从11只普通雌性大鼠生殖道分离出7株肺支原体,同时从它们的呼吸道也分离出肺支原体;另有1只大鼠生殖道和呼吸道均未分离出肺支原体。从该试验说明生殖道也可感染肺支原体。 Seven
2011 年12 月,日本向韩国归还了《朝鲜王室仪轨》等1200 册来自朝鲜半岛的珍贵古书。《朝鲜王室仪轨》是以绘画和文章记录朝鲜王朝时期祭礼及其他主要活动的书籍总称,详细介绍了皇族、贵族的结婚仪式和国葬等情况,具有很高的文化价值。此次归还的图书中,除164 册《朝鲜王室仪轨》外,还包括记录国王印改铸方法的《宝印所都监仪轨》。这些古籍在日本对朝鲜半岛长达36 年的殖民统治期间流入日本。对于韩国来说