Classic Italian Dessert: Tiramisu

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  Tiramisu is a popular coffee-flavored Italian dessert. In Italian, it’s spelled tiramisù, means“pick me up”, “cheer me up”, “wake me up” or “lift me up”. It is made of finger biscuits, eggs, sugar, coffee, mascarpone cheese and cocoa powder.The way of making it has been used in many kinds of cakes and other desserts.
  Most people believe it was invented in the 1960s at the restaurant “Le Beccherie” in Treviso, Italy, by a cook of the restaurant, Francesca Valori, whose middle name was Tiramisu. Other people say the creation of the cake was in the end of the 17th century in Siena in honor of Grand Duke Cosimo III. Anyhow, the word“tiramisu”was unknown in cookbooks before the 1960s.
  Many kinds of tiramisu exist. Some cooks use other cakes or sweet in place of finger biscuits, some use no eggs at all. Wine can be added to the dessert too. It makes a special flavor.
  (Do you like tiramisu? Why?)
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