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中国长江三峡工程开发总公司副总经理贺恭告诉记者:截流,实际足修筑上下两条围堰,把主河床围起来,将里面的水抽干,然后在干地上建大坝。截流并不是把长江水全部截住,而是让江水改道,从南岸1500米长、350米宽的导流明渠继续下泻,过往船只也通过导流明渠航行。截流后在正常水位时导流明渠的上下落差只有1—2米,船只可正常航行,在洪水期水位落差较大,小型船只上行困难,为保证通航,又在长江北岸边修建了临时船闸和升船机。 为了实现截流,我们做了充分准备和多次模拟试验,截流采取分段进站的方法,从去年10月到今年5月,上下围堰从两端岸边分别向江中填筑400米,使主河床从七八百米缩减到四五百米,今年汛期过后,用一个月的时间突击填筑,上下 He Gong, deputy general manager of China Three Gorges Project Development Corporation, told reporters: Closure, the actual construction of enough to build two cofferdam up and down the main river bed, the inside of the water drained, and then dry the dam. Instead of intercepting all the Yangtze River, the river closure was diverted. The river diversion continued from the south side of the 1500-meter long and 350-meter diversion channel. The passing ships also sailed through the diversion channel. After the closure of the normal water level at the closure of the diversion channel when the difference between the upper and lower only 1-2 meters, the normal navigation of the ship during the flood gap greater water level, small vessels uphill difficulties, in order to ensure navigation, and the construction of the temporary north coast of the Yangtze River lock And lift ship. In order to achieve closure, we made full preparation and multiple simulation tests, intercepting and taking sub-station approach, from October last year to May this year, from top to bottom cofferdam to the river from both ends of the filling 400 meters, so that The main riverbed has been reduced from seven or eight hundred meters to four or five hundred meters. After this year’s flood season, a month’s raid has taken place,
Wagnerite-Ma5bc polytype is found in a gneiss associated with cordierite-prismatine-bearing gneiss, northern Stornes Peninsula, Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica
中国的农产品就目前来看,能不能讲哪些方面有优势,哪些方面优势已经没有了呢? 粮食已经失去了竞争优势,我们的价格高于国际市场,品种低于国际市场,环保要求不符合国际市场的
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