就在2O世纪最后一个世界环境日,江泽民总书记题字的长江源纪念碑竖立在沱沱河沿。我随’99长江源考察队沿青藏公路也于同日赶到了雁石坪。我们将从这里进入长江源头,进行为期1O天的考察。此次考察由绿色江河环保促进会组织,著名探险家杨欣带队,有包括科学家、记者、环保志愿者、大学生在内的1O名队员,同行的还有光明日报的一支12人的考察队。 近在咫尺的格拉丹东 6月6日天气晴好,我们分乘两辆北京吉普和一辆东风六轮驱动牵引车,从距离
Just last World Environment Day in the 20th century, General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s inscription of the Yangtze River source erected in the Tuotuo Riverside. I followed the ’99 Yangtze River source expedition along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway also arrived on the same day Yanshi Ping. We will enter the source of the Yangtze River from here for a period of 1O days of inspection. The study was organized by the Green River Environmental Protection Association, the famous explorer Yang Xin led, including scientists, reporters, environmental volunteers, students, including 1O members, accompanied by Guangming Daily, a 12-person expedition . The close of Gradan East June 6 fine weather, we take two Beijing Jeep and a Dongfeng six-wheel drive tractor, from the distance