2.2 ̄(201)Tl-TlCl注射液中铊载体含量的分光光度测定弓全胜由加速器制备的 ̄(201)Tl-TlCl注射液是一种心肌显像剂, ̄(201)Tl是由质子轰击天然铊得到 ̄(201)pb,将未参加核反应的铊与 ̄(201)Pb分离,但在产物中仍存在少...
2.2 ~ (201) Spectrophotometric determination of thallium carrier content in Tl-TlCl injection Gongquan Sheng ~ (201) Tl-TlCl injection prepared by the accelerator is a myocardial imaging agent, (201) Tl is By proton bombardment of natural thallium obtained ~ (201) pb, will not participate in the nuclear reaction of thallium and ~ (201) Pb separation, but there is still little in the product ...