1998年12月初,参加广东省测绘学会成立35周年学术交流会;并由学会组织参观了飞来峡枢纽工程。该工程位于清远市清新县江口镇升平夹洲之下,是广东省以防洪为主综合利用的最大水利工程。其控制流域面积34097km~2。水库总库容19亿m~3;发电装机容量14万kW,年平均发电量5.54亿kW·h;水闸防洪泄量15000~16000 m~3/s;船闸可通过500t级组合船队;它与加固的北江大堤结合,可防100年一遇的洪水,今后结合潖江天然滞洪等联合运用,可使广州市防洪标准提高到300年一遇。工程自1994年10月开工以来。施工进展顺利,泄洪闸、船闸、发电厂房等主体工程已建成;1998年8月截流成功后,拦河土坝亦基本完成,整个工程预计将提前一年于1999年10月全部建成,向建国50周年献礼。该工程的规划勘测由来已久,为解决广州、佛山、清远、三水等市(县)广大地区的防洪问题,原规划方案采取水库蓄洪与潖江分洪相结合。1951年至1953年,
In early December 1998, he participated in the academic exchange meeting of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Surveying and Mapping; and visited the Feilaixia Junction Project by the Institute. The project is located in Qingkou City, Qingxian Jiangkou Shengping folder Chau, Guangdong Province is the flood control based comprehensive utilization of the largest water conservancy project. Its control basin area of 34097km ~ 2. The reservoir has a total storage capacity of 1.9 billion m 3, generating capacity of 140,000 kW, annual generating capacity of 554 million kW · h and sluice flood control capacity of 15,000-16,000 m 3 / s. The ship lock can pass 500t class fleet, Reinforced Beijiang levee can prevent 100-year floods and future combined use of natural stagnant floods in the Yongjiang River can make flood control standards in Guangzhou to 300 years. The project has been in operation since October 1994. Construction progressing smoothly, flood gates, locks, power plants and other major projects have been completed; in August 1998 after the closure of the river dam dam basically completed, the entire project is expected to be completed one year in advance in October 1999, to the founding of the PRC 50th anniversary gift. The project has a long history of planning and surveying. In order to solve the flood control problems in large areas in Guangzhou, Foshan, Qingyuan and Sanshui, the original planning scheme adopted the combination of reservoir flood storage and flood diversion from the Han River. From 1951 to 1953,