
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huishou2088
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The frequency of orthostatic hypotension (OH) in cohorts of patients recruited through hospital Parkinsons disease (PD) clinics ranges from 16%to 58%. How ever, hospital based cohorts may be subject to ascertainment bias. The aim of th is study was to determine the frequency of OH in a community based population of PD patients and to determine the demographic features of patients with and with out OH. Forty two (47%) of patients met the criteria for OH. Subjects with OH w ere older than those without OH, but there was no difference in PD disease durat ion or severity, MMSE or depression rating between the groups. The frequency of orthostatic hypotension (OH) in cohorts of patients recruited through hospital Parkinson’s disease (PD) clinics ranges from 16% to 58%. The ever of hospitalization cohorts may be subject to ascertainment bias. The aim of th is study was to determine the frequency of OH in a community based population of PD patients and to determine the demographic features of patients with and with out OH. Forty two (47%) of patients with the criteria for OH. Subjects with OH w ere younger than those without OH, but there was no difference in PD disease durat ion or severity, MMSE or depression rating between the groups.
由于DSA和MRI的临床应用,烟雾病的诊断率逐渐增高。我院自2000年7月-2003年7月共收治经证实为成年人烟雾病48例,其中以脑室出血为首发表现就诊的12例,占 25%。本组病人经手术
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中国建筑工程总公司所属中建五局与重庆大学主编的GB/T 51025-2016《超大面积混凝土地面无缝施工技术规范》被住房和城乡建设部公告批准为国家标准,自2017年2月1日起实施。该
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陈寅恪在谈到宋代文化时曾经这样说:“华夏民族之文化,历数千载之演进,造极于宋之世。”陈先生的这个说法,已经是当代学术界的共识。宋朝一转唐朝的恢宏气象,收敛锋芒,静心修为,开启了一个与唐朝截然不同的文化盛世,造就了中国文化史上新的高峰。  诞生这个高峰的因素固然很多,但是,欧阳修和苏轼、曾巩、王安石等人的文学造诣和宽阔的大师胸怀,毫无疑问是重要的原因之一。正是由于接力棒式地推波助澜,使得北宋文坛逐渐