China’s Urban and Rural Old Age Security System: Challenges and Options

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyfox
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This paper reviews the development of the urban and rural old age security system in China, and discusses the challenges in the process of constructing a sustained old age security system. Although funding gaps and empty individual accounts have imposed a heavy burden on the sustainability of China’s urban pension system, there is a relatively high coverage rate of 35.3 percent for urban workers. However, China’s pension system provides low coverage rate for rural farmers. The more rapidly aging population and lower incomes in rural areas pose challenges to the vulnerable rural household support system. The separation of the old age security system between rural and urban areas also puts great pressure as a result of urbanization on farmers who lose their farmland. Therefore, it is urgent for China to speed up the reform of its old age security system to provide an institutional support for its economic and social transition. This paper reviews the development of the urban and rural old age security system in China, and discusses the challenges in the process of constructing a sustained old age security system. urban pension system, there is a relatively high coverage rate of 35.3 percent for urban workers. However, China’s pension system provides low coverage rate for rural farmers. The more rapid aging population and lower incomes in rural areas pose challenges to the vulnerable rural household support system. The separation of the old age security system between rural and urban areas also puts great pressure as a result of urbanization on farmers who lose their farmland. Therefore, it is urgent for China to speed up the reform of its old age security system to provide an institutional support for its economic and social transition.
一个天气晴朗的下午,我和小然来到小区的花园玩耍(shuǎ)。玩着玩着,突然天空乌云密布,响起了“轰隆隆”的雷声。小然说:“我们回家吧,快要下雨了。”我点点头。就在我们走回家的路上,我发现了一条黑黑的“长线”。我和小然蹲(dūn)下来一看,呀,原来是一群蚂蚁!它们排着整齐的队伍走着,像是在搬家。我们很好奇,為什么蚂蚁会在这时候搬家呢?我抓耳挠腮(náo sāi),怎么也想不通。这时,小然想起了老师教