鸡树条荚(Viburmum sargentii koehne)又名天目琼花、鸡树条、山竹子等,为忍冬科荚属多年生落叶灌木树种,以野生状态广泛分布于我国多个省份的山坡、林缘及杂木林中。该灌木树种具有生长速度较快、丛生、茂盛、抗逆性极强等优点,树高可达3~4m;鸡树条荚叶掌状,阔卵形,浓绿;花期5~6月,聚伞形花序,紧密多花;8月开始结果,果由绿变红,至11月入冬,红
Viburnum (Viburnum sargentii koehne), also known as Viburnum Viburnum, chicken tree, mountain bamboo, etc., for the honeysuckle family is a perennial deciduous shrub species, widely distributed in wild state in many provinces of China hillside, forest margin And mixed wood forest. The shrub species with faster growth, clustered, lush, strong resistance and other advantages, the tree height up to 3 ~ 4m; chicken Vetch leaves palmate, broad oval, dark green; flowering from May to June , Umbel, densely flowered; results begin in August, the fruit from green to red, winter to November, red