2000~2001赛季 CBA联赛将于 11月18日燃起战火。经过半年多的招兵买马、操练阵法之后,12路“诸侯”均已蓄势待发,随时准备着为捍卫尊严和荣誉而东奔西突,策马扬鞭。 今年5月,江苏南钢领队陈忠和主教练徐强便随篮管中心组织的选秀团赴美国尤金、迈阿密考
CBA League 2000 to 2001 season will be set on November 18 war. After more than six months of recruitment and training, the 12-line “princes” have been ready to go all out to defend their dignity and honor. In May this year, Jiangsu Nangang team leader Chen Zhong and head coach Xu Qiang will be organized by the Center for the Central American drafts to the United States Eugene, Miami test