Migraine is a common clinical disease, the prevalence of women was significantly higher than men. March 2010 - June 2014, we use oral ligustrazine injection of gastrodin in the treatment of migraine in 75 cases, with satisfactory results. The analysis report is as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Select clinically diagnosed migraine in 75 cases, 31 males and 44 females; aged 15 to 83 years. Duration of 3 months to 12 years. One of 68 cases of unilateral headache, bilateral in 7 cases; aura in 26 cases, 49 cases without aura. The selected criteria refer to the International Association of Headache ICHD-Ⅱ diagnostic criteria, duration ≥ 3 months, monthly seizure frequency ≥ 1 times. All suffering