
来源 :民主 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qipini
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称雒志俭为农民画家,有两层含义。其一,他是一位地地道道的农民,在家种着八亩地的庄稼;其二,他画的是精彩纷呈的农民画,在画室里构筑民间绘画的艺术殿堂。陕西户县农民画驰誉世界。这是户县的骄傲,而雒志俭是农民画的骄傲。他不仅继承了农民画传统的美学风格和表现手法,同时大胆创新,独标一帜,异军突起。 Calling thrift as a peasant painter has two meanings. First, he is an out-patient farmer who is planting eight acres of farmland at home. Second, he paints pictures of peasant paintings and the art of folk painting in the studio. Shaanxi Huxian peasant painting world-renowned. This is the pride of Huxian, and Chi Chi is the pride of peasant painting. He not only inherited the peasant’s traditional aesthetic style and expression technique, at the same time he boldly innovated and stood for one by one and sprung up everywhere.
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