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藏医药是我国传统医药学宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠,为西部少数民族地区的社会经济发展和各族民众的身体健康发挥着不可替代的作用。随着经济全球化和我国加入WTO后国内国际医药市场发生的新变化,藏药产业及其现代化发展就变得十分重要。藏药产业现代化发展的策略是在国家对该产业的高度重视和政策倾斜下,进行产、学、研合作创新建立以企业自主开发为主的技术创新体制,加强技术改造提高技术水平,建立和运行现代企业制度。其发展的出路是在国家对该产业进行宏观调控和人、财物的大力支持下,扩大视野拓展市场,发挥优势形成规模,精选人才研究创新,注重临床达到效果,认识GMP改造增强竞争力,完善质量标准适应现代用药为此,藏药产业现代化发展要充分利用国家西部大开发政策,积极推进产业结构调整,站在振兴民族医药和发展两个市场的高度,以现代化建设的要求把藏药产业发展成地方经济的支柱性产业,成为国民经济中新的经济增长点,为西部少数民族地区的社会经济和社会发展服务。 Tibetan Medicine is a shining pearl in the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine, playing an irreplaceable role in the social and economic development of the ethnic minority areas in the west and the health of people of all nationalities. With the economic globalization and new changes in the domestic and international pharmaceutical markets after China’s accession to the WTO, the Tibetan medicine industry and its modernization have become very important. The strategy for the modernization of the Tibetan medicine industry is to cooperate with industry, academia and research under the guidance of the state in the industry and create a system of technological innovation focusing on the independent development of enterprises. The technological transformation should be strengthened to improve the technological level and establish Run a modern enterprise system. The way out for its development is to expand its horizons and expand its market with the strong support of the state in macro-control of the industry as well as people and property, give full play to its advantages to form a scale, select qualified personnel for research and innovation, focus on clinically achieving results, recognize GMP reform and enhance competitiveness, Improve quality standards to adapt to modern medicine Therefore, the modernization of Tibet medicine industry should make full use of the policy of western development, and actively promote the adjustment of industrial structure, standing in the revitalization of national medicine and the development of two markets at the height of the modernization requirements of Tibetan medicine The development of the industry into a pillar industry in the local economy has become a new economic growth point in the national economy and serves the social, economic and social development of the western minority areas.
剖析了蛋鸡4个基因座位共10个遗传标记与产蛋相关性状间基因多效/连锁效应,讨论了检测生化位点(主基因)与经济性状相关效应的常用统计方法的效果。 We analyzed the multi-e
文章通过介绍天津市河西区图书馆在部队军营中开展的图书漂流活动,阐述了组织图书漂流活动的意义,开展图书漂流活动的优势,以及在实践过程中的具体管理方法。 This article
如何识别心脏病中的高危患者一直是心血管医生关注的热点.起初人们把左室功能、心律失常诱发频度以及心肌传导异常作为评判的基础[1].近来人们逐渐认识到高危的心脏病患者存在自主神经平衡的破坏,以此为基础建立了2个检测指标:心率变异性(heart rate variability, HRV)[2]和压力反射敏感性(baroreflex sensitivity, BRS)[3].HRV反应的是窦房结对内外源