The biological role of DNA1, a nanovirus-like component shown to be associated with the begomovirus/satellite complex, has not yet been identified. Here, we demonstrated that DNA1 of Tobacco curly shoot virus isolate Y35 (TbCSV-Y35) attenuated leaf-curling symptoms induced by TbCSV-Y35 or TbCSV-Y35 plus Y35 DNAβ in the early stage of symptom development and induced leaf cluster at a later stage of symptom development in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The leaf disc assay demonstrated that TbCSV-Y35 DNA1 replicated autonomously. Southe blot analysis revealed that TbCSV-Y35 DNA1 reduced viral DNA accumulation. Viral DNA accumulation was not reduced when plants were co-inoculated with TbCSV-Y35 DNAβ, but the TbCSV-Y35 DNAβ level was dramatically reduced in the presence of TbCSV-Y35 DNA1. To determine whether the interaction between TbCSV/satellite complex and DNA1 had isolate specificity, DNA1 of TbCSV isolate Y132 was cloned and sequenced. It was found to have 75%nucleotide sequence identity with TbCSV-Y35 DNA1. Infectivity tests showed that TbCSV-Y132 DNA1 had no effect on the symptoms induced by TbCSV-Y35 or TbCSV-Y35 and Y35 DNAβ in N. benthamiana plants, although Y132 DNA1 could replicate in these plants.