
来源 :财政经济评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ffyy5051
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“营改增”是我国“十二五”期间一项重要的税收制度改革,在现有的增值税分享体制下,改革的推进使地方主体税种面临缺失,地方政府财力减少。本文利用投入产出表模拟测算了在10%和13%两档税率下,“营改增”对地方财力的影响程度,并在此基础上提出了弥补地方财力缺口的相关政策建议。 Under the existing value-added tax sharing system, the promotion of reform has made the lack of local taxes and reduced the financial resources of local governments. In this paper, we use the input-output table to simulate the degree of influence of “Ying Zeng Zeng ” on the local financial resources under the two rates of 10% and 13%, and on this basis, put forward some policy suggestions to make up for the local financial gap.
送友人  (唐)李白  青山横北郭,白水绕东城。此地为一别,孤蓬万里征。  浮云游子意,落日故人情。挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣。  别离  (唐)陆龟蒙  丈夫非无泪,不洒离别间。杖剑对尊酒,耻为游子颜。  蝮蛇一螫手,壮士即解腕。所志在功名,离别何足叹。  茫茫人海,总会有那么几段奇特的相遇、相知;但时光匆匆,朝夕相处的伙伴终有一日要各奔前程。  离别时,唯愿道一声珍重,就此别过。哪怕是自此杳无音讯