我们之所以称24bit/96kHz指标的DPS24为“专业音频工作站”,是因为DPS24无论是从操作系统还是从硬件设施等的设计,处处都体现出它的专业性。1.AKAI DPS24是一部采用非压缩方式可以录制真正24轨音频数据的“专业音频工作站”。压缩录音是一种为了保证录音轨数量足够多,而降低
The reason we call the 24bit / 96kHz DPS24 a “professional audio workstation” is that DPS24 reflects its professionalism everywhere, from the design of the operating system to the hardware infrastructure. 1. AKAI DPS24 is a “professional audio workstation” that can record true 24-track audio data using non-compressed methods. Compression recording is a way to keep the number of recording tracks low enough