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建筑行业一直是我国的支柱型行业之一,为我国经济的增长做出了不可磨灭的贡献,随着经济的不断发展,我国城市化的进程也不断推进,在城市化的浪潮之下,一座座高楼拔地而起,建筑工程随处可见,越来越多的建筑企业涌现了出来,建筑行业的发展前景非常可观,但是这对于建筑企业来说也是一项不小的挑战,建筑企业之间的竞争越发激烈。建筑企业以盈利目的,而若想获得良好的经济效益,必须对工程造价进行控制,如今,随着信息技术的不断发展,工程造价开始向信息化管理迈进,本文对建筑工程造价信息化管理进行了深入探讨,希望能给建筑企业带来启发。 The construction industry has always been one of the pillar industries in our country and made an indelible contribution to the economic growth of our country. With the constant development of economy, the process of urbanization in our country has been continuously promoted. Under the wave of urbanization, a Block high buildings stand up, construction projects can be seen everywhere, more and more construction companies emerged, the development prospects of the construction industry is very impressive, but this is not a small challenge for the construction enterprises, construction companies The more intense competition. Construction enterprises to profit purposes, and if you want to get good economic returns, you must control the cost of the project, and now, with the continuous development of information technology, project cost began to move forward with information management, construction cost management information in this paper In-depth discussion, hoping to bring inspiration to the construction business.