The U.S. decision-making process on the war is relatively simple. The decision-making process in the war is a reflection of the operating mechanism of state power. It not only depicts the basic process of war decision-making, but also defines the necessary procedures and links in war decision-making. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the United States has formed a relatively mature pattern of war decision-making organizations, institutional arrangements and modes of operation through nearly 100 wars of all sizes, large and small. According to the U.S. Constitution, the procedure for making decisions on the war is not as complicated as Brooks puts it. The United States Constitution, based on the principle of “separation of powers,” gave the Congress the right to declare war on the war and allocate funds for the war, and gave the president the right to control and make decisions about the military. For the two main body of decision-making of the parliament and the president, the basic decision-making process mainly includes two forms: “first ask the parliament to make a decision” and “make a decision first and report to the parliament.”