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现如今,社会上选择和向往独身生活的女性日益增多,这似乎已是见怪不怪了,甚至有人还为其冠以“单身贵族”的雅号。人们可能会说这是社会风气、观念开放的结果。但在清代至民初的珠江三角洲地区却有一个特殊的女性群体:她们通过一种特定的仪式,自行把头发盘成发髻,以示永不婚嫁、独身终老,当地人称之为“自梳女”。 Nowadays, the increasing number of women in the community who have chosen and longing for their single life seems to have come to the conclusion that some even have the nickname “Single Aristocrat”. People may say that this is the result of an open social atmosphere and an open mind. However, there was a special group of women in the Pearl River Delta region during the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. They adopted a special ritual to turn their hair into bun in order to show that they would never marry unless they marry alone. Comb female. "