AIM: To evaluate the treadmill exercise test on vasovagal syncope and theavoidance steps. METHOD: Examination of treadmill exercise test of 64acults and analyse of the history, pretest heart rate, the maximum heart rate,metabolic equivalent(MET) and tilt table test. RESULTS: Exercise tolerancesin both groups were same with significantly increase of syncope history (43/64,67% in syncope group, while 11/64 or 9% in the controls ) and lower basicheart rate of the subjects(74±11 in the syncope group; 66±10 in the con-trols, with P<0.01 statistically) in the syncope group. HUTT positive sub-jects were significantly more in the syncope group (48/64, 75% ) than in thecontrols(2/64), with P<0.01 statistically. CONCLUSION: The exercisesyncope was based on the pretest heart rate and previous syncopal history ratherthan the exercise tolerance in health adults. It suggested an underlying abnor-mality which my predispose to exercise subjects with vasovagal syncope.