PURPOSE: Recent studies show that there are persistent health differences between different states in the United States. The paper provides a state-of-the-art assessment of the link between socio-economic factors and population health through new state-owned databases and econometric methods. Methodology: Data from multiple departments in 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The dependent variables were age-adjusted multi-factor mortality, self-assessment of health and number of days of health. Using econometrics to analyze the specific conditions between states. As a result, for every increase in the number of physicians per 1,000 population, the mortality rate is reduced by 30/100000. The impact of doctor / population ratio on self-assessment of health status is manifold. Factors such as socio-economic status, geography, and smoking and obesity can have an impact on mortality and self-assessment. Conclusion: The correlation between the number of physicians and low mortality shows that efforts should continue to increase and motivate the supply of physicians in lower service levels. Policies and strategies to reduce health disparities between regions should take into account social, economic, and personal risks.