伯牙:春秋时代的琴师。代表作品有《水仙操》、《高山流水》。 师旷:春秋时期晋国的乐师。双目失明,但他的听觉敏锐,辨别音律十分准确。代表作品有《白雪》、《玄默》。 李延年:汉代宫廷音乐家。代表作品有根据张骞从西域带回的《摩柯兜勒》,制作了28首新曲调,作为仪仗使用的军乐。 嵇康:三国时期魏未琴家、文学家、思想家。他擅长弹琴,以弹奏《广陵
Alba: the age of the musician. Representative works include “Narcissus”, “mountain water.” Teacher Kuang: Music Instructor of Jin in Spring and Autumn Period. His eyes were blind, but his acuity was sharp and his tone was very accurate. Representative works have “snow”, “mysterious silence.” Li Yannian: Han court musician. Representative works have been based on Zhang Qian from the Western Regions back to the “Mok Pundule”, produced 28 new tunes, used as a military honor martial music. Ji Kang: Wei Weiqin during the Three Kingdoms period, writer, thinker. He is good at playing the piano, playing "Guangling