黄君璧先生曾任中国美术学院前身“国立艺专”的兼职教授,我作为中国美院中国画系的一名教师、一个后学,参加黄君璧百年诞辰纪念活动,是十分荣幸和高兴的事。 黄君璧是一位艺术家、艺术教育家,他的成就,论者言之详焉。我拜读黄君璧的画作,仔细看他的画集和有关著作——主要是山水画和他的一生经历,认为有两点是很突出的:
Mr. Huang Junbi was a part-time professor of the predecessor of the China Academy of Art. He was a teacher of the Chinese Painting Department of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts. After attending a commemoration of the centenary of Huang’s biographical achievement, I was honored and delighted. Huang Junbi is an artist, art educator, his achievements, commentators in detail Yan. I read by Huang Junbi’s paintings, a closer look at his paintings and related books - mainly landscape painting and his life experience, that there are two points is very prominent: