In order to obtain the bottom drum mechanism and control strategy during the stabilization process of gob-side entry retaining, the influence of the degree of damage and confining pressure increment on post-peak creep behavior was analyzed by post-peak creep test. The results show that the post-peak creep failure mode is shear failure of the “X” shape, and the block will slip along the fracture surface after the failure. The smaller the rock damage degree after the peak, the smaller the creep rate, The longer the self-stabilization can be maintained. Increasing the confining pressure can reduce the actual equivalent stress of the post-peak rock and improve its creep behavior. On the contrary, the decrease of confining pressure will deteriorate its creep behavior. The main result is that the main form of the bottom drum at the stable stage of gob-side entry retaining is the creep deformation of the rock mass after the peak of the floor cracked area and the slip of the damaged block along the rupture surface after the creep failure.