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星期一中午散步时,走到幼儿园的小山坡,孩子们便被一片红红的花海吸引住了。“哇,好漂亮的桃花呀!”“上个星期我们散步时才星星点点的几朵呢,好神奇呀!”“春天来了,春天来了!”孩子们欣喜地叫着。“春天在哪里呀,春天在哪里,春天在那小朋友的眼睛里……”孩子们一起唱起了《春天在哪里》的歌曲。??是的,不经意间春天已经悄悄来到了孩子们身边。美丽勤劳的春 Walking on a Monday afternoon walk on a small hill in kindergarten, the children were drawn to a red sea of ​​flowers. “Wow, pretty peach! ” “Just a few last week when we walked a few scattered stars, wonderful!” “Spring is coming, spring is coming!” The children are delighted Cried Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the kid’s eyes ... “The children sang the song” Where is spring? " Yes, inadvertently spring has quietly come to the children. Beautiful hard-working spring
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