In order to achieve high-precision machining of optical components, algorithms for solving the critical dwell time in ion beam machining have been studied. By analyzing the basic principle of ion beam processing, the traditional deconvolution solution of dwell time is transformed into the process of solving matrix equation. Based on introducing the regularization weighting factor into the matrix equation, the new parameter of extra machining allowance is introduced to increase the degree of freedom of understanding, so the search range of dwell time solution is expanded. At the same time, the Gerchberg band limited extrapolation method Applied to the optimization of the initial surface extension, to ensure that the entire aperture range of surface accuracy consistent. An example calculation of a planar optical element with a diameter of 50 mm showed that the surface shape accuracy was improved from an initial rms value of 0.5747λ and a peak-to-valley value of 2.3706λ (λ = 632.8 nm) to a full-aperture rms value of 0.001λ , The peak value is 0.0115λ. This shows that the optimal solution process can effectively solve the dwell time, which provides a powerful guarantee for the ion beam processing.