The bacterial plaque of 284 adults aged 35-45 years were detected. Streptococcus mutans were isolated from 190 of them. The positive rate was 66.90%, including 164 cases of dental caries, the positive rate of Streptococcus mutans was 91.11%. The caries-free group 104 Name, streptococcus positive rate of 25.00%. Streptococcus mutans 347 isolates isolated from adult plaque were serologically identified by two-dimensional agar diffusion method. There were 296 beads in dental caries group, accounting for 85.30% of the isolates, of which cef serotypes were 191.35, 18; caries-free group of 51, accounting for 14.70%, of which cef serotype strains were 13,10,7. There are 73 unconfined strains, of which there are 52 dental caries group, 28 caries-free group. Analysis Streptococcus mutans c.e.f serotypes and caries relationship, the odds ratio (OR) were 5.32,1.4,1.04.